Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Follow-up: Arthur Cleans Up - A Guessing Game

Who said he'd squeeze in moments before noon?

(The standoff began at 9:30.)

(I did sit with him for a bit but I made him do all the actual cleanup himself.)

Arthur Cleans Up - A Guessing Game

This morning while I was nursing the girls Arthur emptied all of his toys into the floor.  This is the second day in a row that he has done this.  Today I told him that he would not be coming out of his room until he put his toys away.  Any guesses on when he'll finish?  

Hint 1: He ate a protein bar around 7:30am.

Hint 2: Yaya will be here around 4:00.

Disclaimer: He is allowed to leave to go to the bathroom.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Craft time!

Autocorrect tried to make it "crazy time" - boy is that the truth!
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Arthur says

"Mom, I was just splainin' this to Mo."

"What were you explaining?"

"You know."


"I need to talk to Jeremy."

"Ok, do you want to call him?"

"Yeah I have to find my phone.  You don't have his number."


"Mom, I am NEVER EVER going to turn you into peanut butter EVER AGAIN."

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Naptime Shenanigans

This is what happens when you leave them unattended after they wake up.

Yes, Norah is no longer wearing pants.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

First time in a big kid car seat!

Miss Cecily decided last week that she liked to unbuckle the chest clip on her car seat so she's been officially promoted.  She wasn't too happy that she couldn't operate the buckle on here.

We'll be lending the baby seat to Yaya and Poobah for baby Maxwell.  Can you imagine the first time they get ALL FOUR of them in one vehicle?!?!  (Melina and I will probably be hitting the bar!  Or the spa!!!  Or, more realistically, taking a nap.)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Darth Vader in pink crocs

Just a typical Monday morning.

Also, Arthur was looking out the window and asked Art "Is that your car?!" as he has done every day since Art returned his van.  Art answered, "No, remember I don't have a car." Arthur exclaimed, "OH!  So do you have a PLANE?!"

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Watch "Green Street Community Pool" on YouTube

Green Street Community Pool:

Best $14 we've ever spent

Thursday, September 4, 2014


36 minutes before I got the shoulder tap that means COME GET YOUR BANSHEE CHILDREN.  

Arthur explains, "I was perfectly fine, but you were takin too long and the girls were freaking out."

Arthur says

"I want my Daddy to come home and bring my iPad!"

(He really misses his iPad.)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Just so you all understand what I'm dealing with

She's a heathen.

Earning his keep

It's about time!

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