Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Equal Pay Day 2014

Today is Equal Pay Day, the day that marks how far into the year that women must work to match what a man earned the prior year.  Today, in 2014, women in this country make 77 cents to a man's dollar.  It is always a sad and discouraging day - a black and white reminder that despite the first wave, the second wave, the smart and talented do-anything women of my generation, we still have so far to go.

While the politicians are making resolutions and signing bills, these days I fight in different ways.  I tell my tiny daughters that they are loud, confident, independent and brave.  I praise my son for showing compassion (and tell him often that he can't talk to his Mama that way!)  I have a lot of faith that in our little villages all over America other moms and dads are doing the same, and I have hope that our kids will change the world.  And be paid equally for doing so, too.


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