Friday, May 23, 2014

Night before the Big Day

One year ago we were getting ready to meet our girls.  Earlier in the day, the nurse had frowned and sighed and said, "Well, let's try that again..." when she took my blood pressure.  I called my husband (who was at a must-attend meeting), my parents (who were packing up to move from my childhood home), my in-laws (who were at the ER with my husband's grandfather who had fallen) and my best friend (who was at day 2 of a 3 day class she needed to graduate).  They all dropped everything and rushed to be by our side.  And, honestly, have been doing it ever since.  Every time we've needed them, and sometimes when haven't.  Tomorrow will be all about my big girls... but tonight I'm thinking about all the people who have helped us through this year.  Who have dropped off dinners or coffee (and sometimes both), taken Arthur for playdates, who have picked up and dropped off all manner of odd items, who have still gone out to dinner with us even when the number of high chairs outnumbered the adults, who have responded immediately to middle of the night texts and talked in great detail about nipples and poop and many other things that would have normal people going wtf.  Tonight I want to say thank you to my village.  We have been so blessed by these babies, but even more so by the number of people who have helped us enjoy these blessings.


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